Set in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, Bright Star travels between the years of 1923 and 1945 to tell the story of Alice Murphy, a literary editor with a hidden past, and Billy Cane, a young soldier just home from World War II. Together they discover a powerful secret that alters their lives forever...
Alice Murphy...Maggie Cox
Billy Cane...Chad Boyd
Daddy Cane...Brian Johnson
Margo...Emily Layt
Max/Dr.Norquist...Anthony Romero
Florence...Katie Timoney
Edna...Ashlynn Amburgey
Daryl...Cash Belcher
Lucy...Kaitlyn Beladi
Mama Murphy...Susan Nowell
Daddy Murphy...Steven Amburguy
Mayor Dobbs...Bo Strange
Jimmy Ray Dobbs...Eric Barnum
Stanford...Jeff Schaeffer
Government Clerk...JoAnne Nance
Well Dressed Woman...Keerstin Causey
Masks Are Optional.
According to CDC guidance, masks are optional in our county, and are therefore optional within the facility. If you would like to wear one but forget it, we will have some on hand!
Stay Home If You're Sick
If you are experiencing any common symptoms like fever, shortness of breath, cough, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, please stay home.
Be a Team Player
Please comply with all precautionary measures put in place. We are following CDC guidelines. Allow yourself the option to maintain social distancing when you can, take advantage of the hand sanitizing stations, and follow all posted directions.